Emperors Domination – Chapter 4820

Finish this as fast as possible. The alligator lord agreed.

So be it, connect the epochs. The abyssal lord concurred.

These epoch lords knew but had no love for each other. This was only a temporary alliance that was built in the blink of an eye out of absolute necessity.

The only way to capture this epoch was to take down Li Qiye first. There couldnt be a better opportunity due to his heavenly injuries.

If they wasted more time, he might actually be able to recover and their plan would be over. He wouldnt forgive them for what they had done, meaning that they would lose everything after one wrong move.

Epoch flow! The abyssal lord started the sequence by manipulating time.

Boom! An untold number of years surged out of his body and rushed into the sky, connecting the present and the past.

This river of time was magnificent and beautiful, encompassing various colors and legends

They had images of numerous races. Each living being had their own stories and past happy and sad occasions

Epoch flow! Dead Immortal did the same.

Boom! Another river of time surged upward just like the first.

The two rivers joined together, the same for the timelines.

Meanwhile, the alligator lord also released his timeline. Unfortunately, Triune Immortal immediately put a stop to that. The two of them were born in the same epoch, meaning that his time was also hers.

Boom! He tried again only to be stopped once more.

Hurry, were running out of time! His allies urged.

Return! The alligator lord released a seal filled with death.

On another battlefield, the yin kun peng blocked a fierce attack from Seven Martial Goddess. It roared and flapped its gigantic wings, releasing enough death affinity to open a portal.

It rushed through the portal and appeared behind the alligator lord.

Zzz It fused together with its master and became a kun peng seal on his lords stomach.

With that, he attempted the temporal release for the third time. The roar of a kun peng could be heard and finally, a temporal stream rushed out of his body successfully.

This culminated in a circle with three separate epochs rotating together. The battlefields joined at once and the overlords appeared near each other.

They formed an eternal triangle of connection between the three epochs Triune, Aqua, and Bionic. The new time flow was flawless and continuous, forming a closed loop.

Harmonisasi temporal. Seorang tuan netral jauh di angkasa berbisik.

Dalam keadaan normal, sungai waktu terdiri dari masa lalu, sekarang, dan masa depan. Namun, lingkaran antara tiga zaman ini telah lolos dari batas reguler dan mencapai stabilitas. Dengan koneksi selesai, sesuatu yang luar biasa terjadi. 

Di Triune, tiga tuan muncul bersama. Anehnya, ada tiga dari mereka di Aqua dan Bionic juga total sembilan penguasa tertinggi.

Penonton tercengang. Hanya satu tuan yang cukup menakutkan tetapi sekarang, ada salinan di zaman masing-masing.

Zaman Dead Immortal adalah masa lalu dan dua lainnya muncul di masa lalu. Waktu penguasa abyssal adalah saat ini dan yang lainnya juga muncul. Terakhir, zaman alligator lord berfungsi sebagai masa depan.

“Gemuruh!” Satu set tiga orang keluar untuk melawan Raja Tertinggi. Lain pergi untuk berurusan dengan Triune Immortal.

Set terakhir menghubungkan lingkup temporal mereka ke Delapan Kehancuran, menyebabkan tempat tujuan ini berguncang hebat.

Saat mereka tiba, aura menakutkan mereka menekan semua orang hingga jatuh ke tanah.

“A-apa yang terjadi …” Penguasa terkuat merasa tidak berdaya dibandingkan.

Tiga telah berubah menjadi sembilan tuan, membuat situasi tampak tak berdaya. Delapan Kehancuran sama lemahnya dengan kapal yang terjebak oleh badai dahsyat.

Trio itu tidak membuang waktu untuk melahap yang lain target mereka adalah Li Qiye sendirian.

“Ledakan!” Mereka semua meraihnya pada saat yang sama dan penonton berteriak ngeri.

“Suara mendesing!” Tiba-tiba, sebuah kapak muncul entah dari mana dan memisahkan dao menjadi dua bagian.

Kekuatannya cukup untuk membuat ketiganya waspada, mendorong mereka untuk menarik tangan mereka kembali.

Seorang lelaki tua meninggalkan kuburannya dan juga mengarungi sungai sementara untuk tiba di Delapan Kehancuran. Kapak kembali ke tangannya.

Dia memiliki penampilan yang keriput namun tetap terlihat tak terkalahkan meski menghadapi tiga penguasa.

“Tuan tertinggi lainnya!” Ini menjadi jelas bagi para penonton.